Brother D was a panelist at Norwescon 33, and this is a recording from the panel "Another Zombie Panel" moderated by Ciandi Patry; The Reverend En Fuego was the other panelist.
Brother D pulled himself away from Left 4 Dead 2's "The Passing" long enough to review the Italian short The Zombie Connection, written and directed by Marco Magni; and back in March, Brother D sat down with author Robert Freese, and here you'll hear the interview that took place. (Robert Freese will be appearing at Con-tamination 2010!) Finally, because the undead have been getting a little frisky lately, O'Day returns with a new installment of O'Day's MOZ Survival Tips. The Mail Order Zombie Family will get a reminder of the contest that's been running on MOZ since the near-beginning, and at the near-end of this episode, Miss Bren joins Brother D for the weekly Feedback Discussion.
Zombie Westerns and Vegan Zombies populate Episode 117 of Mail Order Zombie, the premiere zombie and horror movie podcast of the Pacific Northwest with listeners around the world. This week, Brother D hosts a Devil's Crossing roundtable discussion with actors Michael Sharpe, Patrick Keenan, Jeff Madzai and Sam Matheny; and then reviews the 2010 movie Attack of the Vegan Zombies!, written and directed by Jim Townsend. Only one thing could make this episode better? Miss Bren joining Brother D for the weekly Feedback Discussion.
It's Tax Day here in the US, and Brother D pushes through the tail end of a headcold to give you a break from all your number-crunching and calculator-abuse with Episode 116 of Mail Order Zombie. In this week's episode, Brother D reviews the movie Dead at the Box Office and MOZ Family Member Richard from Witchita calls in his thoughts on the premiere screening of the movie The Dead Can't Dance. Emails and voicemails have been piling up, and Miss Bren and Brother D do their best to knock some of them out (and if you haven't heard your email/voicemail this week, chances are we'll get to it next week or the week after that!)
Brother D and Miss Bren have spent the past two weekends away from MOZ Central, and in Episode 115, they're joined by Need-a-Nickname Scott and his wife Tracey to talk about part of the reason they were away - HorrorHound Weekend Indianapolis 2010. While at the convention, Brother D interviewed director Terence Muncy about his movie Hell Walks the Earth and in another interview, director Thomas Berdinski tries to convince Brother D to give The Italian Zombie Movie Part 2 a fair shake! (Due to the conventions taking their toll on Brother D's and Miss Bren's health and sanity, there is - sadly - no Feedback Discussion this week.) Also this week is the new monthly Zombie Aptitude Test question!